There are many ingredients in the recipe for success. The facts of each case and what the government can prove certainly make the difference and are the biggest ingredients in the recipe. However, I believe with good lawyering, teamwork and execution… investigations and cases CAN be managed effectively. The following results prove it. I have left off the last names and the case numbers to protect my client’s privacy, but these are all actual cases that I defended with real results earned. In some cases I tweaked the name to preserve my client’s anonymity.Please Note: The case results mentioned on this site are specific to the particular cases and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome in any future case undertaken by the attorney. Each case is different, and these results should not be viewed as an assurance of a particular result in your case.
Case Highlights
People v. Christine H.– -Represented one defendant from a family of seven co-defendants in a very large real estate fraud prosecution in San Bernardino. Case dismissed after ten years of litigation. My involvement began in year eight.
People v. Shauna K.- Represented a young woman accused of running over and killing a man on the 55 freeway in Orange County while driving under the influence of alcohol. Vehicular homicide case dismissed after two year battle, which included a jury trial felony and a written motion to dismiss on constitutional grounds.
People v. Brian K.- Represented defendant in a third strike life case in the Norwalk branch of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Defendant acquitted of all charges after jury trial.
People v. Nicholas R.– Represented a young man in Los Angeles county in this life case where he was accused of kidnapping and attempting to rape two attractive young women visiting from Sweden. Client acquitted of the life count and released from custody on probation following acquittals of the more serious charges in the Norwalk court.
People v. Michelle S.– Represented a laboratory technician charged with fraud by the California Attorney General in both Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. Case dismissed in Los Angeles. Plea agreement reached in San Bernardino where client received probation and served no custodial incarceration period. Client served time on home confinement.
People v. Anh Te D.- Represented a young person after being arrested for murder in Orange County. No charges ever resulted by the Orange County District Attorney. Sometime later, I represented the same client in San Jose, CA negotiating immunity deal in federal court involving the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the United States Attorney. The defendant in this case received the death penalty. My client, who had significant culpability and exposure, was treated as a witness and escaped prosecution entirely in multiple jurisdictions.
People v. Peggy B.- Represented one of three co-defendants in a major complex securities fraud prosecution in Orange County. Over 100 elderly victims alleged with over $100,000,000 in restitution sought by the Orange County District Attorney. Numerous conditional examinations conducted on elderly victims prosecuted in the North Justice Center.
People v. Eric F.- Represented a wealthy non citizen in a drug case with over 500 pounds of narcotics seized. Probationary sentence negotiated for “credit time served” sentence in the Central Justice Center. Thereafter, probation supervision terminated early after cliet’s release from custody so client could return home. Client’s foreign passport retrieved from the federal government and returned so client could continue traveling abroad.
People v. Mohammad B.- Represented a father accused of physically abusing his young son with excessive punishment. Client acquitted after jury trial in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Paul S.- Represented a high school teacher in this vehicular homicide case after he hit and killed a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Successfully negotiated for misdemeanor probationary sentence and home confinement in the Harbor Justice Center.
People v. Terry S.- Represented defendant in this murder case after he allegedly stabbed his wife to death with a steak knife in their kitchen. Case prosecuted in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Chris C-. Represented client in a life case alleging attempt murder for the benefit of a criminal street gang per Penal Code section 186.22 in Anaheim. Worked with an expert knife witness secured from out of state. Negotiated determinate 8 year offer in the West and North Justice Centers.
People v. Pedro G.- Represented a business owner and family man accused of felony assault with a deadly weapon. Felony charges dismissed. No jail time imposed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Scott K.- Represented defendant in a felony fraud case involving the CA Department of Motor Vehicles. Co-defendant sentenced to prison. My client had case reduced to a misdemeanor with no incarceration period. Case later dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
Karel T. v. Alistair I.- Civil case where I represented plaintiff against a civil defendant, who was the son of a high ranking government official from United Kingdom. Civil judgment obtained. Client awarded over $1,200,000. after defendant assaulted my client, made threats against him and his girlfriend, and vandalized his car.
People v. Bradley S.- Represented defendant in a felony DUI case where district attorney pled 245 assault with a motor vehicle and alleged my client fled the scene after a collision. Victim sustained major injuries. Case dismissed in the North Justice Center.
People v. Aisea T.- Represented defendant in a third strike case where Orange County District Attorney sought life sentence. Authored and argued motion to strike priors from out of state jurisdiction. Motion granted and strike priors stricken from complaint in the North Justice Center. Client avoided life sentence.
Investigation of John S.- Represented client during a federal investigation where the United States Attorney and the United States Department of Labor threatened indictment for various violations of law. No indictment issued.
Investigation of Kim S.-. Represented a woman in a federal investigation for real estate fraud conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and United States Attorney. No indictment issued.
Investigation of Elie A. – Newport Beach Police Department investigation for drugs. No charges ever filed against client.
E.A. v. Whittier Hospital – I represented plaintiff after she slipped and fell in Whittier Hospital parking lot, resulting in injuries to face and cheekbone. Civil case settled for $75,000 against hospital in Los Angeles county.
People v. Joshua A.- Felony burglary case reduced to misdemeanor in the Central Justice Center with probationary sentence requiring 60 days in county jail. Offer to prior lawyer was for defendant to plead guilty to felony burglary requiring state prison time.
People v. John A.- – Domestic violence case dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Isidro A. Motion to dismiss granted in the North Justice Center.
Investigation of Angelina A.- Huntington Beach Police Department investigation for battery. No charges filed against client.
People v. Chito A.- Client arrested for felony forgery for displaying false registration tags on his car. Felony charges avoided. Defendant pled guilty to infraction, requiring only a small fine in the Los Angeles Airport court.
Investigation of LA – Child sex abuse case where no charges resulted against client.
People v. David B. – Mail theft charges dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Colin B – Felony check fraud case dismissed in the South court.
People v. William B – Client arrested for felony robbery and domestic violence. Those charges dismissed in the Harbor Justice Center.
Investigation of Abel C. – No charges filed after defendant arrested for 288 child molestation.
Investigation of Benjamin D. – No charges filed after defendant’s arrest for 288 child abuse and molestation in San Bernardino county.
Investigation of Henry F. – Department of Real Estate fraud investigation. No charges filed against client.
People v. Anthony S.- Felony burglary with intent to commit a sexual offense, making it a life case. Successfully negotiated determinate 2 year deal, earning dismissal of life counts/enhancements in the Harbor and Central Justice Centers.
People v. Saul F.- Another felony burglary with intent to commit a sexual offense making it a life case. Two year negotiated plea where defendant earned the dismissal of the life counts and enhancements in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Ray F. Felony drug charges dismissed in the West Justice Center.
People v. Deborah F.-Misdemeanor domestic violence case dismissed in the South Court.
Investigation of Richard F. – No domestic violence charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
People v. Alejandro G.- Felony 314.1 indecent exposure case dismissed in Alhambra court in Los Angeles county.
Investigation of Marlon G. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for assault with a deadly weapon and domestic violence.
People v. Pedro G. – Case dismissed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence in North court.
People v. Lauren G. – Misdemeanor case in West Los Angeles dismissed after answering ready for trial.
People v. Carlos G.– Felony child abuse case dismissed. Orange County District Attorney struck prior allegation enabling probationary sentence in the North Justice Center.
Investigation of Erica G. – Felony domestic violence arrest. No charges filed.
People v. Bernardo G. Domestic violence charges dismissed in South court.
People v. Pedro G. – Felony charges for assault with a deadly weapon, vandalism and brandishing a deadly weapon. Case dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Josalyn G. –Felony drug case dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. Mario G – Felony drug charges dismissed in Central court.
People v. Anthony H. – Misdemeanor domestic violence charges dismissed in South court.
Investigation of Jason H. – Felony assault with a deadly weapon arrest. No charges filed against client.
People v. Jeffrey H. – Misdemeanor case dismissed for violation of client’s rights to a speedy trial in Harbor court.
Investigation of Jose H. – Client arrested for felony domestic violence. No charges ever filed.
People v. Martha H – Motion to dismiss granted in Harbor court.
People v. Kathleen H. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in South court.
People v. Josh H – 26 charges of theft dismissed in North court.
People v. Hung D. Misdemeanor case in Los Angeles dismissed.
People v. Vance J. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in Central court.
People v. Roustam K – Felony drug case dismissed.in Harbor court.
In re Keana K. – Child dependency case filed under Welfare and Instructions Code §300. Sexual abuse and failure to protect allegations dismissed in Los Angeles County. Child returned to custody of mother.
People v. Robert K –Felony domestic violence case dismissed in South court.
People v. John K – Motion to relieve defendant of duty to register under California Penal Code §290 granted. Client relieved of sexual registration requirements in Los Angeles county.
People v. Du L.- Felony drugs for sales case dismissed for violation of defendant’s rights to speedy trial in West Justice Center.
People v. Ma L – Misdemeanor grand theft case dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. Jorge L –Felony strike 422 criminal threat charge dismissed.
People v. Eustacio C.- Attempt murder charge and felony domestic violence dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Federick D – Motion to dismiss granted in South court.
People v. Andy E. – Motion to dismiss granted in Los Angeles.
People v. Manuel F. –Felony grand theft case reduced to misdemeanor in Harbor court requiring no incarceration period.
People v. Jesus G. – Misdemeanor case dismissed for violation of speedy trial rights in the West Justice Center.
People v. Rodrigo G – Motion to dismiss granted in North court.
Investigation of Andrew J. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for domestic violence.
Anna H v. Marco D. – Restraining order action successfully defended in Orange County.
People v. Theresa G. – Two felony drug cases successfully defended and dismissed in the North and Central Justice Centers.
Investigation of Luat L. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
People v. Jeanette L. – Misdemeanor vandalism case dismissed in Central court.
People v. Ronald L. – Burglary case dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. Donna M.– Felony drug charges dismissed in Central court.
People v. Romie P. – Felony third strike case where court struck strike prior for sentencing purposes enabling eight year deal. Client avoided life sentence.
People v. Antonio P. – Felony child molestation case 288 case with probationary disposition, where defendant could still live at home with minor child under supervision requirements. Case resolved in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Jose R. – Felony drug case dismissed in Compton.
People v. Jose R. – Third strike case for robbery dismissed in middle of trial. Case resolved for credit time served and terminal disposition, meaning no probation supervision in the Central Justice Center.
Investigation of Martin S. – No theft charges filed against client after investigation.
People v. Jorge T. – Hit and run case dismissed in South court.
People v. Samantha L. –Felony drug case dismissed. Penal Code §1538.5 suppression motion granted in the West Justice Center.
People Samantha L.-Felony drug case dismissed in North court.
People v. Servando L- Hit and run case dismissed in .
People v. Karly M. – Drug charges dismissed in Harbor Justice Center.
Investigation of Terry M. – No charges filed after client cited for battery citation.
People v. John M.- Domestic violence charges dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. William M. – Felony drug charges dismissed in West court.
People v. Devin M. – Felony drug case dismissed in Harbor court.
Investigation of Rosemary M.- Client arrested for felony domestic violence. No charges filed by District Attorney.
People v. Madeline M.– Misdemeanor domestic violence case dismissed in South court.
People v. Alejandro M.– Felony insurance fraud case. Defendant received 30 days on home confinement. Felony charges later reduced to misdemeanors.
Investigation of Ivan C.– Felony arrest for robbery with no charges filed.
People v. James M.-Felony marijuana case dismissed in West Court.
Investigation of Heide M.- No charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
Investigation of Peter M. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
Investigation of Bert M. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for drug possession and sales.
Investigation of Seva M. – Misdemeanor case dismissed.
People v. Abrahim M – CA Department of Justice record correction.
People v. Justin M. – Felony hate crime reduced to misdemeanor in the West Justice Center where defendant had strike prior strike alleged and was on felony probation.
Investigation of Donna M. – Client arrested for DUI . No charges filed in Los Angeles.
People v. Erasmo N. – Restraining order modified in the Central Justice Center to allow contact with daughter.
Investigation of Reni N. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
People v. Sarah P. – Probation terminated early. Motion granted.
In the Matter of Mark O.- Felony assault with a knife case dismissed in juvenile court.
People v. Nicholas O.- Formal probation modified to informal so client could leave country and work in another. Motion granted.
In re Max P.- Matter dismissed in juvenile court.
In re Zachary P –Felony assault with a knife case dismissed in juvenile court.
People v. Jason P.- Felony 288 sex abuse charges dismissed in the juvenile court..
Investigation of Rogelio P. – No charges filed in Los Angeles after defendant’s arrest for 288 child abuse.
Investigation of Joshua S. – No charges filed in Los Angeles after defendant’s arrest for 288 child abuse.
Investigation of Paul P. No charges filed after client’s arrest for DUI.
People v. Kimberly R.- Felony drug possession charges dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. Steven R.– Marijuana charge dismissed in the Central Justice Center.
People v. James R. – Domestic violence charges dismissed.
People v. Patrick R. – Felony transportation of marijuana dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. Wallace R. –Petty theft case dismissed in West court.
People v. Theresa R. – Felony drug possession for sales charges dismissed in Harbor court.
Investigation of Timothy R – No charges filed after client’s arrest for felony domestic violence.
People v. Gary R. – Vehicular homicide where client hit and killed a bicyclist here in Orange County. Misdemeanor plea negotiated with no incarceration period and community service in the Harbor Justice Center.
Investigation of Morteza S.- FBI terrorism investigation. No charges filed against client.
People v. Riley S. – Battery charge dismissed.
People v. Roopinder S. – Domestic violence case dismissed in South court.
Investigation of Tina S. – No charges filed after client’s arrest for DUI.
People v. David S. – Charges dismissed after not guilty verdict in jury trial in the Harbor Justice Center.
People v. Jesus S. – Felony drugs for sale. Charges dismissed in Harbor court.
People v. Letisha S. – DUI case dismissed after 1538.5 suppression motion of evidence granted.
People v. Anna S. – Domestic violence case dismissed in Long Beach.
People v. Jose S. – Receiving stolen property case dismissed in West court.
People v. Anthony S. First degree residential burglary, assault with intent to commit sexual offense during commission of residential burglary, and attempt rape charges all dismissed. Probationary sentence negotiated where client avoided life sentence.
People v. Miles S. –Motion to dismiss granted in Central court.
People v. Samuel S. – Marijuana case dismissed in Harbor court.
Investigation of Todd S. – Felony sex abuse §288 investigation results in no charges being filed against client.
People v. Margaret T – Felony drug charges all dismissed in West court..
People v. Jennifer T. – Felony arrest for domestic violence. Misdemeanor §415 disturbing the peace disposition requiring one year of informal probation in the Central Justice Center.
People v. David T. – Felony possession of weapons and ammunition charges dismissed in West Justice Center.
People v. Edward T. – Possession of deadly weapon case dismissed in South court.
Investigation of Nichol W. – CHP investigation of stolen motorcycle. No charges filed against client.
Investigation of Michael W. – Client arrested for drug charges. No charges filed.
Investigation of Curtis W. – No charges ever filed after defendant’s arrest for .
People v. Donald W. –Felony §288 child molestation charge dismissed in West Justice Center.
People v. Scott W. – Third time DUI in the South court where client avoided 120 day statutory minimum sentence required by law.
Investigation of Amanda W. – No charges filed after her arrest for felony domestic violence.
People v. Gayle W. – Misdemeanor case civilly compromised pursuant to California Penal Code §§1377, 1378.
People v. Michael Y.- Felony §288 child molestation where defendant received probation and 90 day jail sentence to be served in a private jail with work furlough release, enabling client to keep his current employment.
In re Tina D. – Driver’s license suspension/revocation hearing at California Department of Motor Vehicles. License returned to client after traffic collision, suspension of license and DMV hearing.
People v. Jesus D. –Felony drug charges reduced to misdemeanor so client could serve concurrent sentence in another penal institution. Terminal disposition meaning no probation.
People v. Genaro Z. – Third DUI where client avoided 120 day minimum jail sentence required with combination of private jail with work furlough release and day for day credit in residential rehabilitation program.
People v. Shawn E. –Multiple felony cases and charges dismissed in the Harbor Justice Center upon client’s completing one PC1000 program.
People v. Alfredo L. – Long outstanding bench warrant recalled and case dismissed in the Central Justice Center so client could renew permanent resident status.
People v. Gexsar R. – Deferred entry of judgment dismissal in the Harbor Justice Center.
People v. Mirela M. – Domestic violence case dismissed in the Harbor Justice Center.
People v. Aysah N. – Hit and run case dismissed in Central Justice Center.
People v. Kim P. – Misdemeanor resisting a peace officer case dismissed in West court.
People v. Lane D – Misdemeanor solicitation of prostitution case dismissed in West Court.
People v. Bryant R. – Felony drug case dismissed in Harbor Court.
People v. Carlos S. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in West court.
People v. Joshua S. – College student arrested for boating under the influence of alcohol and causing accident with injuries. No charges filed in San Bernardino county.
People v. Joshua S. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in West court
Newmans v. Newmans – Restraining order action successfully defended in Orange County.
In the matter of M. and D. L.- Child dependency case filed under Welfare and Institution Code 300 in Orange County where allegations of domestic violence and child neglect dismissed against client. Children returned to parent’s custody.
People v. Christopher C. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in Central Court.
People v. Manuela F. – Misdemeanor theft case dismissed in Central Court.
People v. Haydee G. – Misdemeanor theft case dismissed in the Central Justice Center after written speedy trial motion.
People v. Richard G.-Misdemeanor hit and run case dismissed in South court.
People v. Jason K –Misdemeanor marijuana ticket dismissed in North court.
People v. Agustin L. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in Central Court.
People v. Aubrey B – Misdemeanor case dismissed after client’s successful completion of PC1000 deferred entry of judgment in the North Justice Center.
People v. Brandon D – Misdemeanor case dismissed after §1538.5 suppression motion granted in Harbor court.
People v. Keith D.- Case dismissed in Long Beach .
People v. Deborah F. Misdemeanor case dismissed in South court .
People v. A.- Case dismissed in Central court.
People v. Gail W. – Misdemeanor case dismissed in Central court.
People v. Jessica V.-Misdemeanor case dismissed in South court.
People v. Lisa V.- Misdemeanor charges dismissed in San Bernardino.
People v. Kenneth F.-.- Felony case dismissed in Harbor Justice Center.
People v. Ronald R.-. Misdemeanor case dismissed in West court.
People v. Peter K. – Felony case dismissed in West court.
Casteneda v. Pinella– Restraining order hearing successfully defended in Orange County.
People v. James D.- Felony drug charges reduced to misdemeanors so client could resolve case for concurrent time in another penal institution.
People v. Anthony H.- Currently representing a client in a special circumstances murder for the benefit of a criminal street gang here in Orange County.
People v. Elizabeth B.- Currently representing a woman charged with felony assisted suicide also here in Orange County.
People v. Mitch M.– Represnted a man charged with child molestation in West Court. Case resolved for misdemeanor and with no incarceration period and no
290 registration requirement.
People v. Amanda B.- Represented a young woman after she got drunk and drove a car into another car and also a pedestrian. Felony DUI causing accident and injury case resolved for probation and authorized home confinement.
People . Gordon H.- Currently representing defendant in an appeal after life sentence imposed in San Bernardino county.
Please Note: The case results mentioned on this site are specific to the particular cases and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome in any future case undertaken by the attorney. Each case is different, and these results should not be viewed as an assurance of a particular result in your case.